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LIFE+ MarPro Documentary
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The implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the marine environment is a key contribution to the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the related CBD Aichi targets. A well planned and managed network of marine Natura 2000 areas should afford adequate protection to important ecosystems, enhance important economic services they deliver, improve the conservation status of most threatened marine species, and contribute to sustainable use of marine resources. While the extension of Natura 2000 in the marine has long been delayed, it has gained momentum over the last few years. As of...
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Fotios Papoulias European Commission, DG Environment
The best time to talk with speakers and attendees
The area based commitments on the marine environment at global, regional and national levels. How are the Natura 2000 marine areas (Special Protection Areas and Sites of Community Importance / Special Areas for Conservation) helping Portugal to achieve the agreed targets. The cases of Madeira, Azores and mainland. The latest developments at mainland.
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Pedro Ivo Arriegas ICNF
The first cetaceans systematic surveys in Madeira archipelago inshore waters, carried out by the Madeira Whale Museum (MWM) (Project CetaceosMadeira I), pointed out for a high cetacean diversity with the bottlenose dolphin amount the most sighted species. It also showed that the bottlenose dolphin had a year round presence in the archipelago, with apparent preference for specific areas and with some animals resighed over the study period, suggesting the presence of resident groups. These data suggested that Madeira archipelago inshore waters might be an important area in the Atlantic offshore waters for this species, which is in the annex II...
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Luís Freitas Madeira Whale Museum, Madeira, Portugal
Managing animal units is essential in biological conservation and requires spatial and temporal identification of such units. The optimal conservation unit are populations. However, since even neighbouring populations often have different conservation status and face different levels of anthropogenic pressure, detailed knowledge of population structure, seasonal range and overlap with animals from neighbouring populations is required to manage each unit separately. Previous studies on genetic structure and morphologic separation suggests three distinct populations of harbour porpoises with limited geographic overlap in the North Sea (NS), the Belt Sea (BS) and the Baltic Proper (BP) region. In this study, we aim...
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Julia Carlström AquaBiota
In this work we have compiled the information for the harbour porpoise in the waters of Galicia, the knowledge status of the species, its relationship with the existing protected areas and the future perspective of its conservation.
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Alfredo López CEMMA - Coordinadora para o Estudo dos Mamiferos Mariños
The identification of Natura 2000 sites that incorporate cetaceans is not an easy process, nor does it follow rules clearly defined by national or international bodies. In the various EU Member States the criteria used are very variable and most often just based on the collection of systematic data on the ecology of the species and therefore highly dependent on expert opinion. The Portuguese reality differs significantly from the reality of the more northern seas, a fact that increases the difficulty of this process. Portugal is obliged to designate Natura 2000 sites to protect the Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and...
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Jorge Santos Universidade de Aveiro/Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem
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Under the framework of several projects, SPEA together with several partners has being developing yearly counts of seabirds along the Portuguese Mainland waters. Between December 2004 and September 2012, ship-board surveys off the coast of Portugal and western Andalusia were conducted broadly between 34°N and 42°N, and 6°W and 14°W. Most of the survey effort was carried out between March and November each year, with fewer surveys from December through February. Standard European Seabirds at Sea protocols for data collection were used on board of 4 similar research vessels. All seabirds in contact with water within 300 m of the...
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Ana Almeida SPEA - BirdLife Partner
Nuno Oliveira SPEA - BirdLife Partner
Recently, Portugal designated several marine SPA for seabirds along the mainland coast of Portugal. This occurred under the framework of the LIFE Project MARPRO, but the process fed on data from several previous projects, namely Marine IBA LIFE project and FAME Interreg project. We used a time series of data on seabird distribution in inshore and offshore waters starting in 2004. On this talk I will present how we identified, delimitated and designated this new Natura 2000 sites.
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Manuela Nunes ICNF
The marine ecosystem has been grossly transformed by man – the sea has been domesticated into a halieutic landscape. This underpins the need for fully understanding spatial and temporal impacts of fisheries on ecosystem goods and services for the marine implementation of the Natura2000 framework as outlined in a paper in 2011 (Fock 2011), and progress since then is reviewed. In terms of management, defining conservation measures implies a close link between the Birds and Habitats Directives and the European Common Fisheries Policy. Member states are currently proposing national measures in form of Joint Recommendations under the CFP covering needs...
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Heino Fock Thünen Institute – Institute of Sea Fisheries
Adapted to the marine environment, seabirds spend most of their lives feeding at sea or by the coast. They can be found from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Unfortunately, seabirds are one of the most threatened groups of birds in the world.Seabirds forage in highly productive areas of the ocean, which are also targeted by commercial fishing vessels. This overlap can cause them to be accidentally caught on hooks, or entangled in nets. Based on recent literature, it is estimated that every year across Europe more than 200,000 seabirds die as bycatch in fishing gears.The BirdLife Partnership has been identifying...
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Ana Almeida SPEA - BirdLife Partner
There is a potential for biological interaction through competition for food resources among marine mammals, seabirds and pelagic fisheries for the same prey species. The project aims to evaluate the degree of this type of interaction between the Portuguese purse seine fishery and the main target species of this project. This information will then be used in the management measures to be taken for conservation and fishery regulation. This talk will present the problem, how it intends to achieve its objective and current progress.
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Laura Wise IPMA
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The Portuguese continental shelf ecosystem was described in this study for the first time using the Ecopath mass-balance approach in order to characterise its structure and functioning. The model includes 33 functional groups, corresponding to pelagic, demersal and benthic domains of the ecosystem. A brief presentation of the model is made, focusing on seabirds and marine mammals trophic interactions within the ecosystem and their relationship with fisheries.
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Tiago Malta IPMA
The demand for fishery resources to feed the world´s continuously growing human population is high, placing increasing pressure on the oceans finite fish resources. Competition for the same finite food resource in the marine environment attracts fishing operations and marine top predators (e.g. marine mammals and birds) to the same location and with less food to share, the chance of encounters, or operational interactions also inevitably increases. Operational interactions between marine mammals or marine birds and fisheries can take a number of forms, being the negative the ones of most concern. These can be of two main forms: By-catch when...
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Ana Marçalo Universidade de Aveiro
This presentation will explain the UK experience of developing fisheries measures for Marine Protected Areas. It will outline the ‘Revised Approach’ to commercial fisheries in English inshore waters which was introduced in 2013 in order to ensure that potentially damaging commercial fisheries activities in marine Natura 2000 sites and nationally designated Marine Conservation Zones were assessed and appropriate management measures put in place. The talk will go on to describe the risk matrix which was used to classify gear-feature interaction based on risk, and how this was developed through an implementation group including key stakeholder groups. It will cover progress...
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Louise Vall DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Swedish waters are inhabited by three redlisted harbour porpoise populations: the Baltic Proper (Critically Endangered), the Belt Sea (Vulnerable) and the Skagerrak-North Sea (Vulnerable) populations. Despite obligations of the EU Habitats Directive on designation of special areas of conservation (SACs) and establishment of a system of strict protection, Sweden has hitherto taken very limited action to fulfil these. To develop a spatial basis for a national conservation strategy, we identified and ranked six important areas on a 3-grade scale based on (1) recent results from a 2-year static acoustic survey on harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea (the SAMBAH project),...
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Julia Carlström AquaBiota
Signe Sveegaard Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University
Competition for the same resources attracts fishermen and marine top predators (e.g. marine mammals and seabirds) to the same location resulting in operational interactions between them. Operational interactions between marine mammals or seabirds and fisheries can assume several forms, being the negative the ones that contribute to an increment of the risk of by-catch and mortality of protected species. In Portugal, a country with a large fishing fleet composed by thousands of artisanal vessels, assessment of problems between fisheries and protected species as started in 2010, in order to ensure the implementation of the Council Regulation (EC) nº 812/2004. Research...
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José Vingada Universidade do Minho/SPVS
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Debate to discuss key questions (examples):